3 Mistakes That Derail Your Elevator Speech

If you’re a networker you’re going to give an elevator speech. The name comes from the idea that if you got into an elevator and your ideal decision maker was there, you would have about 30 seconds to introduce yourself before arriving at the next floor. Too often business owners show up without preparing for a networking meeting. If you’ve ever scratched your head with confusion after hearing an introduction, that presenter was unprepared.  Three common elevator pitch mistakes are:

1.       Too long

2.       Not clear

3.       All about them

Nobody wants to listen to a person drone on for three minutes when there’s a roomful of people. Save that for one-on-one meetings and get to the point. Prepare a 15-second, 30-second- and one minute version. Then take your cue from the facilitator. Even more effective, is to have a one sentence elevator pitch. Some one-liners include: I help speakers book more business. I help companies sell more in less time. I work with people who want to start a business and grow a business.

If your message is unclear, you will not attract prospects. People won’t refer you and you won’t be memorable. Brevity enhances clarity. Don’t mention everything you do. Keep the message high level. Start with one stand alone sentence. Then add more details. Test it with people you don’t know and then ask them to explain what you do. You may be surprised by the feedback. An elevator speech is a presentation. As a public speaker, be clear, be brief and be listener-centered.

To learn how to Speak Confidently and Effectively check out my LinkedIn learning course. It ranked #5 on the Top 20 Most Popular courses.

To learn techniques to overcome fear of speaking, read chapter 3 of Knockout Presentations.

To work with me contact DiResta Communications, Inc.

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