This infographic came across my desk, and I thought it was a good reminder for small businesses, including speakers, coaches, and consultants. We spend time working IN our business at the expense of working ON our business.
Professional speaking is a business. Getting and staying on the speaking platform doesn't happen magically - it takes good business skills.
One of your greatest business assets is time, and time is finite. Be strategic about any pro bono speaking engagements you accept. Be sure you're in front of your target market, and follow up on qualified leads. Keep receipts for your travel, meals, and material costs. According to this infographic, shoddy record keeping is one of the biggest mistakes small businesses make.
Many businesses fail within the first five years. Take a look at some of these small business mistakes. This is good timing. September is the time to take a second look at your goals and get ready for the next year.
Via: BOLT Insurance