National Evaluate Your Life Day

Are you satisfied with your life? It's National Evaluate Your Life Day and what good timing. It's the fourth quarter of the year and there's still time to meet your communication goals.


The quality of your life depends on the quality of your communication. Have you been putting off working on your presentation and communication skills? Take a moment to evaluate the effectiveness of your communication. How would you rate your self in these areas?


Fear of Public Speaking

Giving and Receiving Feedback

Persuading Others

Delivering Information

Executive Presentations

Facilitating Meetings

Giving a Speech

Interviewing for a Job

Reading Body Language

Talking to the Media

Communicating Virtually

Articulating Clearly

Showing Empathy

Communicating Across Cultures

Handling Questions and Answers

Make today count. Right now, evaluate where you are and make a decision to take action on your goals.  Feel free to contact me for assistance.